Girls Weekend 2008- Corpus Christi
Eat, Drink, and Be Girly!
3 Friends and a baby! (in our traditional matching PJ's)
Ephesians 5:1-2 "Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God"
I've Been Tagged!
This tag is easy and different-
Here is how it works:
1) Grab the book closest to you
2) Open to page 123, go down to the fourth sentence
3) Post the text of the following three sentences
4) Name the author and book title
5) Tag three people to do the same
"Yes, he is different---and that is a good thing to cherish and nurture. The very fact that we call dyslexia a "disability" reveals that we do not view this neurological condition as a gift. Nevertheless, like anything in life, we can choose to view dyslexia from an optimistic perspective or a pessimistic perspective (the glass is half full or half empty)."
from the secret life of the dyslexic child. how she thinks. how he feels. how they can succeed. by robert frank, ph.d.
I tag Lauren, Daphne, and Tami......
(You know you're old when........ this is my evening so far!!)
You know you're old when you eat dinner at Cracker Barrel at 5:30
You see a lady who has lived 2 doors down from you for the last 21years and think "she looks familiar" (I did recognize her husband--- for Lauren- the Kings)
You watch the "history of television" on TV on the history channel, and some of them were your favorite shows growing up: I Love Lucy, Andy Griffith, and Dick Van Dyke (in black & white)\