Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Follies/Stream, a big weekend

What a beautiful day :) I'm enjoying reading new blogs- if I can ever figure out how to share links with you I will introduce you to some of my favorite new reads. I'm so excited that I get to see my adorable grandson this weekend. My plane lands in Midland 7:30ish and I will be riding in the church van with Lauren & Scott, Leland & Harmony & kids to Master Follies in Lubbock. I have really missed visiting LCU since the kids graduated, have missed being on the campus, being around the college kids and the excitement that is Follies. Hopefully, Will & Raylee will be quiet enough that I can see at least some of the show; I am the designated Nana to take either of them out if they are misbehavin'. It is also the weekend of Stream in the Desert. Maybe I can sneak away at least to the Sunday morning service at Golf Course Rd. A lot of our friends are making the trek for Stream; it is such an oasis~I do hope to get in a little drink from the well while I'm that close to it.

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