Sunday, October 22, 2006

Blogger Trippin

Blogger is trippin today. I posted a new post a couple of days ago, and it has yet to show up. What's up with that???? SOOO, I thought I'd post a pseudo-post today and maybe force the last post to make it's appearance. This must be what Lauren and Kathy mean when they say blogger is being difficult. Arrgh....

Kendall just left to go back to Waco. He had a Dr's appt. on Friday with a spine specialist, she ordered more xrays (done Fri.), an MRI (scheduled for 11/10), as well as physical therapy for the next 4-6 weeks, and lidocaine pain patches. He tried a pain patch Friday night and it made him really nauseous, but then again I don't think he had eaten much all day. Please keep him in your prayers, for his pain to be relieved and for him to do his part to follow through with the program, i.e, physical therapy, etc...

The weather here is gorgeous.... finally fall- my favorite season of all! Fall breeze, fall colors, fall smells, fall foods, fall clothes...yea for Fall :)

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